Welcome to day 18 of my advent calendar with a draw and the next chapter of my story told, shot in the factory
Edited Dec. 22:
This draw is closed and the winner got an email. Thank you to all of you who participated.
Good luck in the coming days.
And we entered the last week of my advent calendar. Here, you can win a L’air du désert marocain miniature flacon, packed in a tin box, shipped from Zurich, Switzerland. Just leave a comment here and I will pick a winner in 3-4 days. Good luck to you all.
And then, there’s the next chapter of my story told in 24 videos online. Things get complicated for folks from Bankonupatut and around the mountain. Watch the video here.
And I am happy because I could take a few hours off this afternoon and got ALL my X-mas presents. Hurray! I am saved.