marketing and branding

the color of luxury

Today,  I googled for “luxury” in’s picture section. You can do so, too: Click here to see what you get. Google might show you different pictures than what I get, as my googling and surfing preferences are different, though. But, as it was a first for me, and as I never searched for most of the luxury items presented through google: Chances are good that you will get more or less the same.

Here’s an interesting observation: Luxury comes with a color preference. Blue. Interesting! And dark (black). The later is what I have expected: I hate these luxury hotel breakfast rooms or luxury perfume departments that make you feel like sitting inside one of the famous super long Swiss tunnels.

There is no green, it seems, no strong red, some yellow brown, hints of violet, but no crisp green.


I find the idea of owning a yacht totally banal and most objects and concepts that I’ve seen in my google picture search are not what I long for. Maybe I am too poor to really get what a yacht is all about. Maybe I am too old and can see through the illusiveness of most of the objects and concepts presented as luxury: I have learned that my biggest luxury item is my time, it is super limited, it is not coming back.

Anyhow: Tauer Perfumes landed a couple of years ago in some UK lists for luxury items producing companies. Which is ok, as tauer perfumes are rare, hard to get, top quality, hand made and actually really luxury. But the problem is: I am too poor to pay for being featured in Vogue.

Being on this list, I get on a regular basis offers to be included in upcoming spring/holiday/marriage/whatever special section of Vogue or other glossy print media. So there ‘s one take home message for you: What you see in there is paid for, a lot at least. Editorial style does not mean it is written by editors. Many at least. The latest offer that I got started with (at a great discount):

5cmx1cm for 500 $ US, taxes not included. 5 cm x 1 cm, for one picture and max. 40 words (that I would provide), reduced from 1500$ US. That’s like the surface area of 2-3 stamps.

Here’s the thing: Imagine how much money a (perfume) brand must spend to be featured from time to time in there, in a format that is a touch larger than a stamp. And now imagine what the consequences are; how many bottles you must sell to just come up with the marketing expenses and what the consequences on the fragrance quality and the production costs must be. Yep. No way around it. (and, just to mention this: Bloggers start to work comparably. To get into some blogs, you are supposed to provide … well, let’s say: Some goodies)

That’s why you do not find tauer in the upcoming autumn edition of a not further specified glossy magazine. And that’s why you won’t find tauer in some blogs.

But I still do not understand why there’s not more lush green popping up for luxury.