Today’s picture shows you one example of objects that I “handle” right now. To handle is etymologically related to hand, I guess, and it is exactly what I do this days. Handle objects with my hands. Like this guy (picture of Lonesome Rider) with its cellophane layer around it. Again: by hand. I got better at it and the cellophane is tight these days.
And when not packaging or labelling like a Chinese worker, then I am checking things online because it is just a few more days before the tauer perfumes website will relaunch. Less design, more functionality and a risk as always when going online with a new site. We will have to put tauerperfumes.com on hold for 2-3 days for the final migration. Uiiuiui… this is going to be exciting.
And when not checking the site then I am working on certificates as one of my retailer needs to fill their local database with cosmetics data. Uff.
So you see it is a busy life around here and that’s way I haven’t posted much recently. Except for my normal Facebook and Instagram tralalla.
But I cannot wait to get to a more regular posting pattern here, with the new website allowing me to post pictures in higher resolution. Byebye mini pictures.