pipette guiding the way, and more gardenia…
So I told you: It is a gardenia week. Yesterday, after my aquarell class that is unacademic but highly educative, no school environment, but inspiring in a way that I am in heaven there, after this class I got home and my mail box blinked with happy news. So there we go: The first reviews of the Gardenia sotto la luna are out and I am very flattered, and share them here.Wonderful news, indeed.
Riding a crescent moon, by the scented hound.
I am gardenia when I am wearing this, on Fragrance Daily.
this time the first gardenia fragrance that I have ever really liked and would wear, which for a gardenia-hater like me is quite extraordinary, on Fragrance Daily.
(disclaimer: all reviews are based on samples that the reviewers bought or got through an external source. I have not shipped out samples to the press yet, with one exception)
During the aquarell class hours, I had my ipad in the backpack and forgot to turn the sound off. It fetches mails automatically and makes “bing” when a new mail reaches me or rather: it. I got immune to the “bing” and try not to notice. “somebody got a lot of work when this class is over”, the teacher said.
Back home, I did not open the ipad, but finished the one picture that I sketched with a graphite thing before during class. No pencil, but a thick rough graphite mine. The main lesson for me during class: get of of the details closet. I was giving a brush, 1/4 the size of the picture’s height. We were also recommended to draw a couple of little pictures, postcard size. So we are learning to let the brush take over, to let go, to leave the controlled area and get into uncharted territory of a brain full of ideas. Sort of.
Here’s the funny thing: when it comes to perfumes, I learned this lesson. I let it flow, a lot, sometimes, it just happens. How much, I realized yesterday. For a particular reason I had to check the gardenia excel sheet where I wrote down all the different trials of the formula. YES: Tons of trials! I was looking into it and realized that something is happening in there that is beyond my event horizon. It is the pipette guiding the way.
Picture today: An old scan of gardenia in bloom, colored in soft yellow tones that I think match perfectly.