pentachord samples online
Well, well. I guess this is one of the most exciting days this year. For me at least. I start offering Pentachords samples, individually or as part of the discovery set, on my website, and so does Luckyscent.
And today, Elena from the PerfumeShrine blog started the blogging round on Tableau de Parfums and Woman’s picture. I love to share this developing story with some of the blogs I truly love since years. I -as a perfume brand- and many perfumes would not exist without these blogs. I guess, this is indeed a good day to say thank you to the blogging round blogs and many, many others that I love and visit when I have time.
Unfortunately, I do not have much leisure and reading time these days.
Another happy reason for a smile: I got the novelette from my little printer, downtown in Zurich. It is printed on FSC paper, black on white, where the white is a bit off, a bit towards beige. And the novelette is “from the desktop of Miriam MagnusonMasterson (stupid me..)”, a stack of 15 years condensed into pieces of paper. This stack of 16 pages (1 cover page) goes with every Miriam perfume flacon, inside the packaging, in a little secret compartment. Kind of cool.
And a last reason for my happy face: I got the purse spray and started filling them. A new baby in the warehouse and as every time when I fill a flacon for the first time, it is exiting and thrilling. Usually, after a few hundred, the excitement kind of wears out, though.
Fragrant greetings from Tauerville that is very soon also Tableauville. Cheers!