open camera
OK, folks: the last few days were very busy and the next few days will also see me running around a bit faster than average.
Hence, I did not post yesterday. In fact, yesterday I had a photo camera falling into coma and I tried what every guy interested in high tech does: I tried to fix it myself. This lead to the camera dying a fast but painless death. It is on its way to Nikon heaven now and we hope for a cheap resurrection. In the mean time: we recycle photos of the past., and start with egg plants, as appetizer food:
Slice the egg plant, sprinkle salt on top, let stand for an hour, remove the liquid that is forming and then put into a pan with little bit of oil and fry until golden (a bit).
Put in a try and pour a bouillon over it that you prepared before hand:
A bit of bouillon (2 dl), garlic, chilly (fine chopped), bay leaves, pepper corns, and a bit vinegar and a bit white wine. Let cook for 2-5 minutes until most of the vinegar is gone. Let cool and pour still warm over the egg plants.
Let marinate for an hour or two before serving with white bread.
While you enjoy it, I will continue working: Making new batches of scents and getting all the labels for the first Collectible LINDEN BLOSSOM THEME ready for the printer. Launch: End April…. yeehaw!