oh eau
So, yes: It’s been a couple of busy days here in the factory, trying to keep up with orders and communication. The newest kid in town is Eau. And as always: The first couple of days after the initial offering are usually rough because I get a lot of mails and messages and notes. After a couple of days things usually calm down a bit which is nice.
That’s where I am now, with some time to work on other projects. Like the Tauer Mag, issue no. 02, June. It is with the printing company right now. To be honest: This is always a difficult time for me, waiting for something that is at the printing company. Difficult because I always worry “what if”. What if I made a major mistake, what if the print does not look good, what if I messed up.
Thus, usually, when I get a print with lots of text: I try not to look closely. Eyes closed it will ship ship. This time, I will do it differently, that’s the plan at least: In order to avoid having to handle a database with addresses and creating address labels from an enormous excel, I will offer the Tauer Mag in my tauerperfumes.com shop. For a price, like 5$. Inside the Mag there will be a personalized coupon code, worth 5$, for any purchase on tauerperfumes.com.
This way, I can just copy paste addresses, those interested get a goodie (and trust me: The issue 02 comes with great content); I think I will ship every couple of days, kind of bundling the “orders”
That’s the plan. We will see. I should get the Tauer Mag issue 02 towards the end of this week.