Lys du désert, Luckyscent's Decennial
Luckyscent celebrates 10 years of existence. I know Franco and Adam since September 2005. Luckyscent was the first partner asking me for my scents. That was 7 years ago and since then I have shipped many parcels with lots of desert air and I went to LA about 10 times.
Everytime, when I am in LA, I try to visit Joshua Tree National Park because I feel at peace there with myself and the world. Joshua Tree National Park is right in the middle of where Mojave and Colorado desert touch and it stretches over a large area with different altitudes, Joshua Tree NP is home to many different plants and species and landscapes. I love to hike there and explore the nature and I feel like I have done about all hiking trails there.
I love to hike to an oasis like 49 Palms with its lush green, uncounted birds and butterflies, and big palms where wild bees dance in the shadow.
I love to visit Pinto bassin, with the creosote bushes glittering in the air, home to many animals as their base provides one of the few shadow spots in the hot sand, smelling of smoke and leather, and once I was lucky enough in April to smell the desert lily blooming there, close to the dunes at the foot of Pinto Mountain’s.
And I love to hike to Pine city, up in the center of the park, at high altitude, where a few pines rest around big brown boulders. Last year, I did some backcountry camping close by, in the area that is open to backcountry camping, and there, leaning on an old pine tree, I was watching the brightest stars under a dark blue sky, enjoying the dry and coolish air after a strenuous day in the heat.
For me, after many hikes and visits, Joshua Tree comes with the scent of dry and soft amber of sun-beaten pine trees, of polished warm boulders in the evening sun, it is a scent with little green gems, lush spots where birds and bees dance in the air, with thin lines of smokey sand, and with the perfume of most delicate flowers, blooming for a day and sending their perfume into an arid land.
When asked by Franco and Adam, the two founders of Luckyscent, whether I could imagine creating a scent, for the decennial celebration of Luckyscent, I knew immediately what to do: I wanted to create a fragrance inspired by what I have seen and smelled in Joshua Tree. For me, this scent was a bit like a gift for two brave guys who started a great story and who invited me to be part of it, a little bit. So there you go: Basically, that’s the story behind Lys du Désert. It is a scent, an edp, created by me, for them, a decennial celebration scent, exclusively available at Luckyscent as part of their decennial scents.
I am the creator and as always: I do not see my creation as clearly as you do. Thus, for a comparison of Lys du désert with Air du désert marocain, and notes and a bit more: Please visit Gaia’s TheNonBlonde Blog post on Lys du désert.
And please visit my blog tomorrow again. I will make a draw tomorrow, for a full bottle of Lys du désert: thus, not this post, the next one.
Thank you for stopping by.
today’s picture: Box and flacon of Lys du Désert, taken this morning in Zurich.