Lonestar Memories draw while we are waiting
NOONTIDE petal, my new bright airy floral, is around the block, and the first samples will ship in about 2 weeks, but we are still waiting for the last papers from printer.
Thus, while we are waiting for NOONTIDE petals: here’s a little DRAW for a fragrance that is quite different: LONESTAR MEMORIES. “The scent of a lonesome rider, wearing old jeans and leather jacket, after a long day on the horse in the dry woods, preparing his coffee on the open, smoky fire.” Today’s picture shows you such a lonesome rider. I mixed another batch of Lonestar Memories the other day and I am always in birchtar and leather heaven when doing so, and in adventure mode, ready to jump into the wild! It is quite a complex fragrance with a lot of different lines that interact. Besides the mentioned, rough beauty, there is a soft side to it. And there is even a flowery side to it. I guess even cowboys picks flowers from time to time.
Thus, a draw!
The draw is for a full bottle of Lonestar Memories, and it is open for participants with shipping addresses in Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria and USA. Sorry folks: I cannot ship full bottles to other countries these days. To enter the draw: Just leave a comment (with a valid email address) and say hello or share whatever you wish.
If you are on facebook: Make sure to check my facebook post on the draw, like it and double your chances to win!
I will pick one winner from the combined comments here on the blog and the likes on facebook (using random.org). The draw is open for a few days. I will announce the winner here when I close the draw.
And here is the fine print. The prize goes to a winner with shipment address in CH, F, D, A or US. I will use your email to contact you if you win. I will not share with nor forward your private information to any third party except for the purpose of shipping your prize. Nor will I store or use any private information of participants beyond the purpose of this draw. For details on our privacy policy: Please see the impressum information following this link.
MARCH 8 2013: This draw is closed. The happy winner is Holly from New Jersey. Congratulations! and thank you to all who participated.