Finally, after a super crazy spring (in bed because I was sick) and a busy summer because of many orders (thank you!), we are ready and launched a new product. Finally.
You can order a full size bottle here (shipping only to the US, France, Switzerland and Austria)
It is L’AIR DES ALPES SUISSES. It comes as an edp. It is inspired by the Swiss Alps (obviously) and was also an excuse to travel on company costs to many beautiful places in Switzerland and do photo shootings and smellfies (me and a bottle).
The perfume is ready for a few months now and I was wearing it all summer, secretly, and it felt wonderful. It got me a lot of compliments. So…. it felt like it was made for me. I hope that it will feel like that for you, too.
Yesterday, I sent a newsletter out, with some pictures and text. If you did not get it: here is the link to the newsletter site.
And a last word about samples and shipping: we still can only ship samples to Switzerland, France, Austria and Germany. For the US, we offer full size bottles and the miniature of L’air des alpes suisses as a special offer.
And here one of the fun encounters in the Swiss Alps…..