Getting ready for the pentachords
This is a short post, as I am a bit tired after preparing a few things for the upcoming PENTACHORDS launch, and because of the heat that starts to drain energy from my brain, putting it somewhere else and as I have to hit the bike to go downtown to meet with partners.
The pentachords are ante portas so to say and in early September we will start shipping samples. The full 50ml sized fragrances will ship after Pitti, September 12. Probably, I will put them on preorder before Pitti. All is ready now. We got samples, the little sample cards for the discovery set, the fragrances and the picture and even the category picture for my online shop. You see this picture on the left.
Now, I just have to wait, because I promised to Campomarzio that I will not start shipping and selling before September. I am not good at waiting.
But there we go: Another good exercise on my long, long way to Nirvana.