everything's just perfect
Tonight, I will sleep in the train that brings me up north, to Germania. There, in the lands of holy oaks we will talk about incense, a gift from the gods. I am invited and so honored to talk, chat, hug and more at the Duftcontor in Oldenburg: I will bring some incense with me, the real thing, the resin, the essential oil, the CO2 extract, and the perfumes that are inspired by it. It is going to be like a salon 100 years ago. Wonderful, and one of the best parts of it: Travelling home from up there in the north, there will be time to work on some paper stuff.
In three weeks from now, I will fly west. I so need a breeze of fresh air. OK, I will not only sit there and watch the desert and the sun. I want to shake some hands, exchange hugs and smiles and chat about this and that, and perfume. I guess I will do so at Tigerlily in SF, April 18. That’s in a month from now. Wow. Time’s running so fast.
Nice about this trip, among other things: I will get two transatlantic 10 hours cozy extra sleeping time. I always sleep in planes, sometimes even before the plane takes off, not because I travel super business -it is more like super eco- but because, when getting into the plane, I can let everything go. The mails, the phone, the responsibility, the worries and plans. I look at it as a transformation back to a toddler or baby state of mind: You’re being checked whether you got clean hands, then airways mama’s tell you where to sit, they feed you, darken the window and tell you what to do and what not to do.