Elle, and being belle
It is like super proud and happy that I share today’s picture with you: Elle Croatia did a wonderful feature on the 100 5* fragrances from Tania Sanchez’s and Luca Turin’s book “Perfume: The guide.”
The photos are really amazing and here’s the photo credit: “Elle Croatia December 2013. / Photo: Mladen Šarić; Styling: Mladen Šarić, Saša Joka & Ivo Parać; Text: Ivo Parać”.
What I like about Elle’s pictures: They are off from the average dim color vintage assembly pictures of a desk, boudoir with a flacon or the art-related pictures of flacons.
They are fresh. I uploaded the pictures in an album on Facebook here.
It kind of kickstarted me thinking about how – in 2014- I should come up with something like a family reunion picture of all my scents that I did so far. I have never done it, and I think that might be a neat idea.
You have probably realized: Yes, the last few days were busy, but now….. now…. things start to softly calm down and I will go into easy gliding mode again. Hopefully. There are a couple of building lots and construction areas still in tauerville, but the more and more I will have time to get into my 2014 projects. Like getting some nice pictures done, of what tauer is all about.
And -of course- Sotto la luna®. Can’t wait there anymore.
And for all my US friends and fans: A blessed Thanksgiving to y’all. Enjoy!