compensation Sunday
Today, although it is a Sunday, I’ll work a bit in the factory. I am sort of compensating for part of last Friday where I left Zurich early for a trip to the mountains, where I combined business and leisure. Friday saw me biking a little bit. Saturday saw me biking rough and sometimes dirty, and heavily uphill and downhill and mostly dry, but not always. But with Goretex and other super trooper material is does (almost) not matter anymore. When it comes to clothing, we live in a technological paradise. I would never want to go back to 100 years ago, with wool and leather. Although wool is pretty good in keeping you dry for a while. Anyhow: I actually would never want to go back to 100 years ago for a variety of reasons. Penicillin being another one.
While biking, especially uphill, I am always trying to imagine nice things, like sunshine, butter bread with nutella, gummy bears or a tuberose fragrance. As it went uphill quite a lot, I had time to imagine a tuberose in all details…Later today I will go to my mixing table where bottles compete with the cintiq. Today, the bottles will win.
I wish you a nice Sunday.
Today’s picture shows you my pair of Goretex sneakers, after the biking trip. I got them in Portland. Folks up their now how to stay dry, I guess.