an update
It’s been quite a while since I have been writing here. I am sorry but somehow it felt never right. But now: time for an update. A lot of things happened in the last few weeks: I was in Shanghai for an event about Tauer Perfumes. The event was a blast and Shanghai was amazing. I was there about 27 years ago, when China started its race to catch up. These days, I could feel that they are there, on the top, and I was amazed about the optimism and openness that I encountered.
I have brought two new perfume in a soap: Data Miner and Solar Engineer. My last newsletter was basically all about them. You may read the latest edition of the newsletter here. I am in love with them, having tested the prototypes for months. They are very different compared to other soaps on the market. From a marketing point of view: I should promote them a touch more aggressively. I have some ideas but wait for the time being right. Basically, I want to work with “influencers” but not the classical way, but rather inviting clients or facebook friends of mine to become influencers…. To be seen.
And then, there were a couple of wonderful autumn days. I was hiking, enjoying the sun, got inspiration for more than one perfume, met with my photographer guru for a photo session in the woods. There, in the woods, I was posing and learning about photography. And we made a fire, to get some smoke. That was very funny because a group of children came by with their teacher. One of them, a girl, watched us putting wet branches on the fire, trying to come up with a big smoke cloud. “you should use dry wood”, she said, seriously. Later she watched us taking pictures of the smoke and inside the smoke. She probably thought that we are crazy. I guess she’s right.
At least I am a bit. And, I am convinced: being a bit crazy is the only way to survive our days mentally sane. If you think that our world is sane: open up twitter daily for 5 minutes and read and you will understand.I allow myself 5 minutes on twitter daily. More is not allowed: it’s too disturbing. Although: sometimes there are funny little stories. LIke the lady who gave a cojote a bath because she thought it’s a dirty dog. Both survived.
So, yes: being a little bit crazy helps. And adding little fun projects, like the Tauer MAG or my newest gig: the super cute miniature bottle (see picture of today) for L’air du désert marocain (5ml, dub, with screw top) . These days I am filling these. I am a bit behind schedule, though. Give me a week or so and they will be ready. I am in love with them.