oil portrait

an oil portrait

The last week felt a bit like 24/7. And this week will continue like that. Because…. I will leave in 7 days for a short vacation. And I will close the tauer perfumes website for a couple of days, too. For two reasons: I cannot fulfill orders when absent. And we will do some upgrades during this time … to serve you even better.

On another line: I am coming to the end with this oil portrait (of a guy from the internet): About 7 layers, working on it for quite a while. I shared the process of doing it a little bit on instagram and got a helpful advice from a twitter follower which was super sweet and super helpful.

Twitter and social media and all: Amazing!

Like in the art of creating perfumes: I have no formal education in painting. I take pencil drawing classes, though. Thus, any advice from a professional is highly welcome.

Contrary to earlier, 10 years ago, more than 10 years ago when I started this blog, I have a harder time to share perfume experiments. I find it easier today to share painting experiments than perfume experiments. One thing that I learned over the last years: Sharing perfume experiments can lead to a lot of disappointment on my reader’s side. I raise expectations that I cannot fulfill eventually.

Yesterday, when looking at the oil picture after a super busy weekend I figured: Hey! This guy needs a perfume. That would be something new….