ahead, among other things, eau d'épices
There we go: Eau d’épices is on its way back, very soon, onto the shelves in tauerville, and a few other scentvilles in the world. In order to celebrate this happy news, I came up last Friday with today’s picture, a watercolor painting, done with watercolor pencils that I was given as a gift and that I love, tremendously.
Eau d’épices is an interesting fragrance. It is pretty one of a kind, in my humble opinion, that is totally biased, of course. It what you would call an archetypical indie scent. Perfume lovers ask for these kind of scents, it seems. On the other hand, when it was still there on the shelves, it got pretty quiet about L’eau d’épices.
This changed when it was not available anymore. I won’t comment some of the discussions about and the rational behind this shortening of supply. I answered in quite some detail these questions in an interview that will go live in a couple of days.
But what I want to do is republish a sketch of notes that I created a while ago when talking about Eau d’épices. Here a few explanations about this quite interesting image.
Large letters: Naturals, small letters: Synthetics.
The scent is built around 4 axes.
The image does not show all ingredients, but a majority of them.
The picture allows to understand the fragrance a bit and how notes and ingredients are interconnected and lead over to other notes and bridge themes.
My timeline for Eau d’épices: It will go into bottles in a couple of days.
It will start shipping in March and hit the shelves.
I will present it in the rectangular packaging, for that I am waiting for labels, being printed now and hopefully arriving soon.
Ah well, and then we will see.