Academic tradition
I got myself a drawing course book, THE drawing course, from the 19th century, because I decided that I need a somewhat more systematic approach to develop my painting skills. The objects in there: Human body (parts).
I switched from flowers et al a while ago and try to do at least one pencil illustration a day, using a picture as model. Today’s picture shows one of these.
The drawing course represents what the “last generations of traditionally trained representational artists were taught to copy and admire”. In the book, it says: “The human figure is viewed and painted with respect, without detachment or sardonic air of superiority on the part of the artist. The academic tradition exalts the human body.”
Take this sentence and replace a word or two and you get an instruction for perfume creation, too.
” The human figure is viewed and its perfume created with respect, without detachment or sardonic air of superiority on the part of the artist. The academic tradition exalts the human body.”
I like that.