a Miriam review on Muse in Wooden Shoes
The first thing I read this morning was a review. Carol who runs the Muse in Wooden Shoes blog posted a review on the scent Miriam, and what a review! You find it here, following this link to her blog. She put the scent into the context of Tauer and the movie Woman’s Picture by film maker Brian Pera. Her review ends with the words “Wearing Miriam feels bittersweet and emotional, tender and wrenching and beautiful. It smells like a memory of love to me, and I will cherish it.”
Miriam is a fragrance, that I created based on a fabric of emotions, pictures, scenes, reflections, all seen in the portrait “Miriam” of Woman’s Picture. It is a mirror of what I felt when watching and how I have seen this movie story that Brian tells us. Reading this review on the blog a Muse in Wooden Shoes, I feel very understood. This is a wonderful way to start a day.
I guess it won’t get better today. Thus, I stop writing here and make sure that I get those parcels out. Enjoy your day!