A draw for Lys du Désert
(November 12 2012: This draw is closed. Thank you to all of you who participated and congratulations to the winner. The winner is contacted by email today).
As promised to you yesterday: Here’s the draw for a full flacon, originally packed, unsprayed, shipped from Zurich to one happy winner. If you are not the lucky winner: No worries! Luckyscent will officially launch their decennials mid next week and by then you can get samples and more from their site.
I will pick a winner by random.org on November 11. The draw is open for everyone, but we cannot ship to Italy, I am very sorry. Please see all conditions of the draw at the bottom of this draw. How to participate: very straightforward! Just leave valid email address allowing me to contact you if you won.
And leave a COMMENT: We are celebrating 10 years Luckyscent.com. Maybe you wish to share how you feel about 10 years Luckyscent? Or you just say hello.
Now, before collecting your comments and hiding again in the factory, maybe one word about the collaboration, or better: the commission for this scent.
ON LYS DU DÉSERT. It has become a ritual besides getting to Joshua Tree National Park also to have pancakes with the two Luckyscent guys, Franco and Adam. When I described to Franco epically my hiking and camping and enjoying the desert, the idea came up to create a Joshua Tree inspired fragrance. A fragrance for their decennial. From my side, it was always like creating a gift for them. I never thought about it as commission job. Another reason why this is: We had pancake and dreamed of a scent that is inspired by these trips of mine and that fits the decennial, and then I went to Zurich and started playing and creating and after a while, the next year, I was done.
I had the freedom to compose what I felt right. The choice to pick the starting material that I found fit my ideas. No worries about price of the end result, nor the color, nor the concentration, nor the form of the scent. No pressure from my side nor from theirs. Just a gift, actually. I think that’s important.
Thus, it wasn’t really what you call a commission. Let’s call it a pancakission. Thank you for participating in this draw and your comments! I will read them all but will not comment.
Today’s picture is my shadow in Joshua Tree, 2012.
Some draw details (the fineprint): The draw is open for every one. We will inform the winner by email. Please make sure to leave a valid email in the comments section. By leaving your email in the comments section of this post you agree that we may use your email to contact you. If the winner does not respond we will pick another winner after 14 days. I will not use, forward to third parties nor communicate the email address and other private data except for the purpose to contact the winner. You will not be entered into any newsletter or other database here on tauerperfumes.com nor on any third party’s. We will ship the prize from Zurich with Swiss Priority Mail. We are not responsible for lost shipments, import duties and taxes. We will not ship to Italy for customs reasons.
(November 12 2012: This draw is closed. Thank you to all of you who participated and congratulations to the winner. The winner is contacted by email today).