Give aways and goodies

6 years perfumery blogging anniversary draw

THIS draw is closed.

See the post of July 13 for the winners. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who participated!

today is the Tauer Perfumes perfumery blogging 6th anniversary. Time to celebrate with a little draw. I give away 6 fragrances.  Here is what you need to do in order to take your chance in my 100% (promised!) random draw, using

-> Pick any 3 digit number that you like and write this number in your comment. (If you write the right at the beginning you help me to find it easier )

-> make sure you leave a valid e-mail when commenting (not inside the comment)

That’s it!

And if you wish, you can tell the world why you picked your particular 3 digit number.

I will pick the winner: I will ask for a 3 digit random number on and the 6 happy comments whose numbers get closest  will win. For multiple winners with the same number: I pick one of them (again, randomly)

The fragrant prize is a full bottle from my range of fragrances, and it is your choice which one, including the PENTACHORDS White, Auburn, or Verdant.

The draw is open for AT LEAST 24 hours  and when closed, it will say here. THIS DRAW IS CLOSED.

For our privacy policy: See details here. In brief: I will not use your address for anything else than contacting you if you won, and I will not forward it to nobody, nor sell it).