have you realized? We got the website on a new level…. It looks the same but the its and bits steering it have changed. Basically, we put an entire new carpet over the floor. When you shop and visit tauerperfumes.com, this carpet is what you see. I was working with Diglin GmbH, a small company, […]
Good morning! Here we are headed for a quick return of winter. I have to make sure that my plants won’t freeze; it will get a bit narrow in the bedroom. This week will be a short one, with at least one highlight every day: Today, I am meeting the product manager, sales representative from […]
Over the weekend, I was also playing with scents. It always helps calming down. I guess you experience the same: Smelling perfume brings the brain into a different state. To me, it is a state that comes close to meditation. The same is true for drawing, thus today’s picture: The Sunday pencil sketch of yesterday. Two […]
Today’s picture is really too small to see. The original is 70×50 cm and an experimental acyrylic work. Let’s give it a title: Broken city. Or “failed experiment”. I was experimenting with spatula, brushes and lot! of water. Not every experiment really works. On the perfume side of my daily life things work out nicely […]
I just shared a little news today on Facebook and share it here with you, too. Lonesome Rider is up and running for presales on lonesomerider.website (US and Switzerland for the time being) There, and only there, you can get samples and full bottles of Lonesome Rider. And there, and only there, you can get […]